You have latent force to develop in your studies. 你在学习上还有潜力可挖。
Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark. 缺乏激情,人就只不过是一种潜在的力量和可能性,像火石般等待铁的撞击,才能擦出火花。
Plenty relaxing in sport can excavate latent energy and exert level of technic, increase the force of muscle shrink, accelerate resuming the substance of energy. 体育运动中的放松可充分发掘运动员的运动潜能和技术水平的发挥。
Second, on the base of analyses of needs, latent needs and customer behaviors, this paper provides a three-level academic hypothesis and proves it by launching an empirical investigation, on domestic main customers force. 然后,在对隐性需要、半隐性需要、消费者购买行为深入地分析的基础上,本文提出了有关隐性需要三个层次的理论假设并通过对我国主力消费群体的实证研究进行了验证。
It expounds the latent force of development of this system for the future, and seeks a new route of development direction for the refrigeration cycle system of non-frost refrigerator in the future. 阐明了该系统的今后发展潜力,为今后无霜冰箱制冷循环系统探索了一条新的发展方向。
With an analysis of various influential factors upon the latent residual labor force, the author seeks a further discussion of the concept and strategy to solve the problem of sufficient employment for the rural labor force. 同时分析了影响农村潜在剩余劳动力的因素,并进一步探讨了解决农村劳动力充分就业问题的理念和发展战略。
To know well the dynamic behavior of electricity system, mechanical system and cutting process is the premise of designing and adjusting high performance servo system of NC machine and parameters optimization is the main method to make full of latent force of NC machine. 高性能数控伺服系统设计整定的前提是充分了解电气系统、机械系统、切削过程的动态特性;参数优化是充分挖掘数控机床加工潜力的主要方法。
The Latent Link between Government's Excutive Ability and Administrative Culture Executive Force 政府执行力与行政文化的隐性链接
An Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Physical Latent Force in Wushu 试析武术劲力的影响因素
A Research on Physical Latent Force of Wushu 武术劲力之研究
Interpreting and analyzing the contents of the media will help one to comprehend the interrelationship of the cultural consciousness and latent speech force behind the media language. 对一定范围内媒体内容的解读和分析,有助于理解媒介语言背后的文化意识和潜在话语力量的相互关系。
Study on nano-meter scale observation of latent tracks induced by ions are discussed using scanning tunneling microscopy ( STM) and scanning force microscopy ( SFM). 综述了近年来用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)和扫描力显微镜(SFM)在原子水平上观测辐射损伤潜径迹的研究及进展。
Through which, we can not only reduce the eddy loss and the stray loss availably, but also reduce latent endanger on transformer that caused by partial overheat. Meanwhile it can reduce short circuit mechanical force and improve reliability and economics of transformer significantly. 既可以有效地降低变压器的涡流损耗、杂散损耗,又能够减小局部过热对变压器造成的潜在危害,同时还能有效地减小短路电动力,较大程度地提高变压器的可靠性和经济性。
The conclusion: melaonidins from black malt have latent force for development in healthy beer or in a new natural antioxidant, which have stronger antioxidant activity. 结论:黑麦芽类黑精具有较强的抗氧化性,具有开发保健型啤酒,开发天然抗氧化剂的潜力。
Physical Latent Force of Taijiquan is affected principally by relaxation, body pose, thought, respiration and so on. 太极拳劲力主要受放松、身体姿势、意念和呼吸等因素的影响。
Latent use of force is a phenomenon of international politics that has existed for a long time in history, which could be divided into compelling or deterring use according to its aim. 武力的潜在运用是历史上早就客观存在的国际政治现象,根据所达成的目标可以将它分为威慑和威逼两种形式。
Latent ion track contrast of scanning force microscopy 扫描力显微镜图象中离子潜径迹的表现形式
Remoulding the technology and taping the latent force to raise the economic benefit& the development of mineral processing flowsheet in Tong-Guan Gold Mine 挖潜改造提高效益&潼关金矿选矿工艺的发展变革
Basing on the increase about 10% in the continuous three years, the GDP will remain keeping increasing 10% in 2006.As things are at the moment, latent requirement of china is still the main motive force, which keeps economy increasing quickly. 国内生产总值在连续三年增长10%左右的基础上,2006年仍可保持10%的经济增长。从目前看,我国的潜在需求仍然是我国经济保持快速发展的主要动力。
The latent variable model can force points which are close in data space to be close in the latent space. 该算法能使得在数据空间相距较近的样本点经过降维后,在隐空间中依然相距较近。